Hi, in class we've been studying magnets and electrical circuits. For those of you who don't know a circuit is a line (usually a wire) that lets electricity flow through it. A magnet is an item that uses a magnetic force to stick to iron.
To prove to us that electricity flows through a wire we did an experiment with 2 wires, a D-cell (battery), and a small light bulb. My group got it to work so we were pretty proud about that. You can try it at home if you have these materials because I did. But remember never put water near an electrical item or you could get a very bad shock that could injure or kill you.
Keep reading our great blog! Bye
A circuit is a pathway for the flow of electricity. The wire is just part of this pathway. A closed circuit is when the path from end of the battery to the other is complete. An open circuit will not allow the energy to flow in a circle because the path is broken. A series circuit only allows the enery to take one path where a parallel circuit may have several paths that complete the circle from one end of the battery to the other.